CBD Supplements for Menopause: Does It Really Work?

CBD Supplements for Menopause: Does It Really Work?

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Menopause is a healthy, normal process for most women, but healthy can still be extremely uncomfortable. Doctors have agreed that there are (at least) 34 common symptoms of menopause. Yes – 34!

Hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disorders, loss of libido, mood swings, fatigue, weight gain, irregular bleeding, bloating, and difficulty concentrating are just a few of the most common symptoms. For 78% of women, menopause interferes with daily life, according to a 2020 survey by the Female Founders Fund. 23% feel that menopause is debilitating.

There is no ‘cure’ for menopause, and we always recommend talking to a doctor about your symptoms and health. Although no concrete scientific evidence proves it, you (like many women), may discover that CBD can help during menopause.

Whether you’re currently struggling with menopause symptoms or planning for the onset of perimenopausal changes, holistic options might provide some relief:


How to Improve Menopause Symptoms with CBD and Lifestyle Changes


1) Find what works and keep it up:

Menopause typically happens around age 40 to 50 when the ovaries stop producing hormones and menstruation ends, but nothing about this is a cookie-cutter experience, including the timeline. Peri- and post-menopausal symptoms can span four to five years, on average.

If you find a treatment, activity, therapy, or supplement that effectively minimizes menopause symptoms, make sure that it’s sustainable. Menopause relief is not a quick-fix or one-pill solution. Look for an uplifting regimen that you can take every day and consistently follow, like The Harmonic Kit with micro-dosing CBD softgels.


2) Maintain a healthy weight:

Menopause often causes weight gain, and it can interfere with weight loss strategies, even if they used to work well for you in the past. It’s even more frustrating to know that being overweight can exacerbate menopause symptoms even more. This is a hard cycle to break.

Treat yourself kindly and love your body through movement. Cardio and weight-bearing exercises can help reduce the rising risk of osteoporosis after menopause. In addition to vitamin D and calcium, you might also benefit from taking THCv and CBD daily in our FIT softgels.


3) Treat your triggers:

Hot flashes, sleepless nights, mood swings, and more… How can we lighten the load and help ease the transition into your next stage of life? CBD supplements for menopause don’t directly treat symptoms, but it could help reduce triggers.

Did you know that anxiety and stress can trigger hot flashes? Many cannabis users find that CBD supplements are an effective way to cope with stress and keep things cool. CBD beverages and softgels are also commonly used to help balance mood.

Menopause is real and your symptoms are valid. This isn’t a ‘mind over matter’ problem. Even still, hemp CBD can promote confidence, self-control, and creativity, which may help you sleep better and feel more like yourself.


4) Support your natural rhythm:

If you’ve spent any time reading about or researching CBD, you’re likely already familiar with the endocannabinoid system. This complex system spans the entire body with cell signaling networks that touch virtually all critical organ functions. Vast, fluid hormonal changes during menopause disrupt this endocannabinoid system, too.

Luckily, research suggests that CBD can help restore a sense of balance. Micro-dosing CBD, specifically, may support a more consistent bodily rhythm and soften the harsh effects of see-sawing hormone levels.


5) Quit smoking and limit alcohol:

Early menopause, more severe hot flashes, higher risk of breast cancer, and hormone disorders… there are so many reasons to quit drinking and smoking, especially during menopause. If you’re curious about healthier alternatives and want to try a ‘sober curious’ lifestyle change, check out this blog along with Harmonic’s new line of CBD drinks.


Discussions about sex, puberty, and periods are (still!) notoriously taboo, so it’s not surprising that many women suffer through menopause in silence. Here’s one telling statistic – the 2021 State of Menopause Study found that only 9% of women had ever talked about menopause with their own mother.

Let’s start talking.

Does CBD help with menopause symptoms? We’d love to hear more about your experience and share product recommendations. Email us at

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