Rise, focus and energize with a little boost from our premium CBD & CBG Formulation
Once in a while, it is good to sit down and closely examine how effective your daily routines are. Are you easily getting distracted during your work hours? Are you feeling too overwhelmed with your endless to-do lists? Is anxiety affecting how you perform your tasks?
It might be time to inculcate new habits and regimens to make you the best version of yourself. Don’t turn us away so easily. Mindful routines help you jump-start your day, give you the right amount of boost and keep your gusto as high as you need it to be. Luckily, the Harmonic Rise CBD soft gel is ideal for the right amount focus and energy you desire.
Many people still believe that consuming CBD and CBG is only good to get them high, and are resistant to adopting them every day. More often than not, the opposite is true. CBD and CBG actually aid you in keeping your pains and inflammation under control. Micro-dosing throughout the day will definitely not damage your flow, in fact, it sustains your power and helps you be centered.
RISE – CBD for Focus and Energy
The jitters you experience from drinking one too many cups of coffee in the morning can be cured with the right micro-dosage of CBD & CBG formulations. We were inspired to develop the RISE formula – a combination of 20mg of CBD with 10mg of CBG so that women can benefit from its ability to supercharge their mood and mind throughout the day.
The RISE softgel capsules contain caffeine, taurine, and vitamin B12 that will keep you far away from crash-downs, and perfectly complement it with anti-inflammatory CBG. To really take it up a notch, our CBD supports immunity to the fullest and truly makes you receive the benefits quicker.
Kat, a 32-year-old, yoga practitioner, who recently jumped on the Harmonic wagon told us “ It is a constant, conscious, and mindful journey to better health, and none of that should be compromised.” She practices Ashtanga yoga 4-5 times a week and has made great efforts in honing her morning and night routines.
Tips & tricks from a Harmonic Woman
- Staying away from the screen after waking up is a life-changer, I walk my dog while I listen to some uplifting music or nothing at all. We take so much for granted in our daily lives, and sometimes even listening to the birds chirping can be more therapeutic than you imagine.
- Vitamin C and fiber is a major part of my diet in the mornings, so I opt for lighter foods and juices to get my body rolling for the day.
- Another tip that I figured out in my late 20s is that writing things down seriously helps. I’m not just talking about work tasks for the day, but even manifesting how I want my day to turn out or a joyful thing I plan to achieve such as building a toy for my kids.
- I’ll even write what I plan to eat for the day because it gives me a sense of confidence and control over my meals.
Experiencing mid-day slumps is not fun, especially after lunch. I’ve stopped going for a traditional dose of caffeine, and have started consuming 1-2 Rise capsules throughout the day. This addition has been recent, but I have to genuinely say that it helps me augment my HPPs or Hyper Productivity Packets while I juggle many things as a mom, entrepreneur, community volunteer, and yoga trainer.
Moderation is key
Overdoing any habit to expect transformational results is unrealistic. At Harmonic, we advocate for a holistic approach to health and feel that there should be a synergy between your present and new habits – so there is no sudden shift to your equilibrium.
We meet women from different walks of life and nobody has a set formula for what works for them. What they trust us to do is bolster them with a safe, calming, and premium supplement that lets them create their own future – one step, one capsule, and one day at a time.