Hydration Tips + Delicious Summer Drink Ideas

CBD Drinks

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Temps are rising and the sun is shining… it’s almost summer! Soak up the sun and enjoy the season, but don’t forget to hydrate. Self-care, nutrition, and hydration are even more important in hot summer weather with sunstroke and heat exhaustion looming on the horizon.

Follow these tips to hit your daily water intake goal with refreshing summer drinks:

Sip on a CBD infused sparkler

Can your water do more? Hydration – check. Reduced anxiety, inflammation, pain, and nausea – check! CBD makes it possible!

Harmonic Woman’s CBD drinks are infused with water-bonded CBD, so you can micro-dose throughout the day and sustain higher, healthier cannabinoid levels with every sip. Scientists believe that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) supports full-body homeostasis, helping you feel balanced and whole. You might notice better creativity, focus, and energy, too.

CBD Infused Sparklers are the perfect summer drink with light, fizzy carbonation and the natural essence of fruit and green tea flavors. Are you exploring a sober curious summer? CBD beverages also double as a feel-good mocktail with zero alcohol and zero THC.

Set reminder timers

Start your day with a full glass of water or a refreshing Rise CBD Sparkler to kickstart your daily water goal. 12 ounces – quick and easy! But after that, it’s normal to get a little sidetracked…

Accountability tools can help you stay focused and sip on healthy summer drinks throughout the day. Do you prefer automated apps and digital tools or pen-and-paper journaling? Design your own bullet journal water tracker, use a water reminder app, or set alarms every 30 minutes to reinforce the habit. 

Mix up your flavors

WaterTok has exploded on TikTok, and these colorful, complex ‘water recipes’ are pretty controversial. But like most trends, the basic concept is rooted in a good place.

Flavored water is nothing new, and not everyone enjoys drinking (or can drink) plain water without additives. Water nausea is real!

Adding a slice of lemon or lime and mint might be all you need to drink another glass. Cucumber, melon, berries, herbs, and tea leaves are some of the most popular flavors to steep and infuse into plain water.

Natural ingredients are always best, and there are lots of ways to mix up your ‘water recipe’ for feel-good hydration. (Let’s just leave TikTok’s trending ‘unicorn dreams water’ syrup on the shelf…)

Focus on how you feel

There are so many judgments and opinions about what we choose to eat and drink, especially as women. This summer, we encourage you to look inward and make more mindful decisions from the heart. 

First, talk to your physician about health concerns and get expert advice about how much water your body needs. Then, look for refreshing, all-natural drinks that make you feel good. Skip the food politics, social guilt, and pushy trends – you know what’s right for you.

Let your body speak for itself. Just make sure to be proactive and sip before you’re thirsty on hot summer days. It takes approximately three times longer to absorb water after you’re dehydrated! 

Stock your fridge with CBD drinks for a guilt-free, hydrating treat that is bursting with light, fizzy carbonation. Get RISE Uplifting CBD Sparklers and ROSE Relaxing CBD Sparklers exclusively from Harmonic Woman CBD.

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